Virtual Expo

1. How can I enter the exhibition area?

2. What is shown in the virtual booth?

3. How to download documents?

4. How to get in touch with partners?

1. How can I enter the exhibition area?

To enter the Exhibition area click on “Exhibition”.

The exhibition erea is divided into “Lead Partner” and “Business Partner”.

To get more information about one partner just enter their booth.

2. What is shown in the virtual booth?

You can get many informations from the Virtual Booth. Every Partner creates their booth diffrently.

You will find basic information about the partner, videos, documents to download, a description of the company and sessions that will be held by the company.

3. How to download documents?

Some partners offer whitepapers or case studies which you can be easily downloaded from the virtual booth.

Click on the blue download button if you want to download the document.

4. How to get in touch with partners?

You can get in touch with a partner via chat or meeting.

Click on the exhibitor from the Exhibition Area that you are interested in. For starting a new chat click on the message button and the chat will appear. If you want to schedule a meeting click on the meeting button.

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