Set Up Adverts

Through the adverts section you may personalize and advertise your event with pictures and links.

Please make sure that the adverts are activated, and included in your package.

1. How can I advertise on the menu?

2. How can I advertise on the Event Lobby? - Banner

3. How can I advertise on the Event Lobby? - Center

4. How can I advertise on the Event Lobby? - Event Wall

5. What would the adverts look like?

1. How can I advertise on the menu?

If you want to set an advert on the menu column, go to “Adverts”.

The first section allows you to add a picture and a link which will appear on the menu in the app.

Add a picture based on the right format (Dimensions: 480×700, Formats: PNG, JPG, GIF).

If you would like for the picture to be interactionable, you can add a link, so attendees can click on it. You can add an external or an internal link.

  1. External link: Add an external link to the field “URL”.
  2. Internal link: Choose the type of information that should be displayed (custom page, session, booth, etc.) and then choose from the drop-down list.

Click “Save” once you are done.

2. How can I advertise on the Event Lobby? – Banner

If you want to set an advert on the banner of the event lobby, go to “Adverts”.

The second section allows you to add a picture and a link which will appear on the event lobby, as a banner

Add a picture for a wide desktop display based on the right format (Dimensions: 1785×170, Formats: PNG, JPG, GIF). And a picture for a small desktop display based on the right format (Dimensions: 1300×260, Formats: PNG, JPG, GIF).

If you would like for the picture to be interactionable, you can add a link, so attendees can click on it. You can add an external or an internal link.

  1. External link: Add an external link to the field “URL”.
  2. Internal link: Choose the type of information that should be displayed (custom page, session, booth, etc.) and then choose from the drop-down list.

Click “Save” once you are done.

3. How can I advertise on the Event Lobby? – Center

If you want to set an advert on the center of the event lobby, go to “Adverts”.

The third section allows you to add a picture and a link which will appear on the event lobby under the countdown of the event.

Add a picture based on the right format (Dimensions: 1300×260, Formats: PNG, JPG, GIF).

If you would like for the picture to be interactionable, you can add a link, so attendees can click on it. You can add an external or an internal link.

  1. External link: Add an external link to the field “URL”.
  2. Internal link: Choose the type of information that should be displayed (custom page, session, booth, etc.) and then choose from the drop-down list.

Click “Save” once you are done.

4. How can I advertise on the Event Lobby? – Event Wall

If you want to set an advert on the center of the event lobby, go to “Adverts”.

The forth section allows you to add a picture and a link which will appear on the event lobby above the event wall.

Add a picture for the desktop and tablet based on the right format (Dimensions: 450×450, Formats: PNG, JPG, GIF). And add a picture for the mobile display based on the right format (Dimensions: 1300×260, Formats: PNG, JPG, GIF).

If you would like for the picture to be interactionable, you can add a link, so attendees can click on it. You can add an external or an internal link.

  1. External link: Add an external link to the field “URL”.
  2. Internal link: Choose the type of information that should be displayed (custom page, session, booth, etc.) and then choose from the drop-down list.

Click “Save” once you are done.

5. What would the adverts look like?

Once you have added all the adverts you wanted, the App would look like this.

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