Meeting locations

1. How can I create a new meeting location?

2. How can I edit a meeting location?

3. How can I delete a meeting location?

1. How can I create a new meeting location?

If you first click on “Content” and then on “Location”, the following window will open.

Now you can add a title, decide if it is virtual or not, add a description, etc. When selecting the type of the location choose the type “Meeting location”, in order for attendees to be able to choose this location to have a meeting.

When creating a new meeting location it is important to fill in all fields marked with a small star.

Once all the information has been filled out, set the publish button to the right and click “Save”.

2. How can I edit a meeting location?

If you want to edit an existing meeting location, click on the blue pencil icon on the right side of the location.

After all the changes have been made click “Save”.

3. How can I delete a meeting location?

If you want to delete an existing meeting location, click on the red “X” icon on the right side of the location.

If you only wish to hide the location, click on the blue pencil icon, and set the location as unpublished, then click “Save”.

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